About Me

Hey! I’m Eileen. During the NSLI-Y program, I was sixteen years old and a rising senior (Co ’17) from a public high school in the suburbs of Central Florida. I’d studied Mandarin for 2 years.

In December 2014, the first time I applied, I was outright rejected from NSLI-Y. In March 2016, I was fortunate enough to be selected for the NSLI-Y China Summer Program with iEarn in Zhuhai, China for 7 weeks (6/19 – 8/6). I had a wonderful and unforgettable time. Thanks for reaching my blog and I hope you find it of some use.

Other stuff about me: I’m Filipina-American, agnostic, gray-ace, and a feminist. I like writing, musicals, books, movies, video games, playing piano, and learning new things. I love languages, rollercoasters, and cities. I collect magnets from my travels and songs from people who matter to me. I am utterly incapable of any sort of physical activity. I’m a pro at being sentimental, obsessively clicking through Wikipedia, and writing unnecessarily long blog bios that nobody reads.