The National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, provides merit-based scholarships for eligible high school students and recent high school graduates to learn less commonly taught languages in summer and academic-year overseas immersion programs.


  • Get it done EARLY so you can focus on other things. I got mine done in August and got busy with school until December semi-finalist notifications. (Note: Also make sure to double check your application multiple times. Early does not mean hasty.)
  • On the application, write about what makes you unique. Yes, follow the prompt – but think about how other students might answer it. Do not be generic or provide a theoretical situation – choose something specific that really exemplifies your positive characteristics. Show what sets you apart from other students. (Don’t be afraid to write weird stuff on the application – I even mentioned that I flooded my dorm room and saved a pigeon once.)
  • Most of all, be truthful, and present yourself authentically. NSLI-Y isn’t looking for a perfect student – they are looking for a passionate student.


  • Even if you’re shy, do your best to be outgoing at the semi-finalist interview. Show your passion for learning the language and understanding the culture for whichever program you applied to.
  • Don’t get your anxieties up – another alumni once described it as a CONVERSATION, not an interrogation. I find that true. While at first I was fidgeting in my seat, as the interviewer prompted me to talk more about myself, I found it was really easy to keep talking on and on! Mine went for about 45 minutes and was in a church.

Note: I have not provided any links b/c they may change as the years go by.

  • Facebook – the NSLI-Y groups on FB are invaluable. There are various ones you can join  based on your application interests (I’m part of the main NSLI-Y group, Chinese Applicants, and Zhuhai Finalists). Everyone is super supportive and provide great FAQ & help. I highly recommend you find one or more of these groups and join.
  • College Confidential – there is usually a thread for each year (I was active on the 2016-2017 one). If you can’t access FB, this is also a good place to ask questions and connect with others.
  • Youtube – While there isn’t an abundance of NSLI-Y videos, you’re sure to find at least one relevant to the program you are applying to. Sadly, I could only find one for Zhuhai. I personally wish there were more, since videos provide a different sort of insight than blogs or pictures.
  • Twitter & Instagram – follow NSLI-Y and get updates, or stalk the NSLI-Y hashtag.
  • Email – of course, this is the best way to get in touch with NSLI-Y officials.